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French Subject Pronouns

 Je: I Tu: You Il: He, it (masculine) Elle: She, it (feminine) On: One, we  Nous: We Vous: You, you/y'all Ils: They (masculine) Elles: They (feminine)
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French Accents (Les Accents)

Meaning of Accent Accent means a particular way of pronouncing words that relates to the country, area or social class a person comes from. An accent is a stress or emphasis on a particular part of something, usually a word. Accents are symbols placed over the vowels to change a word's meaning or pronunciation. It is very important that accents should be placed in proper positions because an incorrect or a slight miss in accent then can sound really weird. An important thing to know about pronouncing French words is that the French accent marks can completely change the pronunciation of a word. There are basically four accents for vowels and one accent for a consonant and they are as follows: 1. l'accent aigu (acute accent) – é 2. l'accent grave (grave accent) – à, è, ù 3. la cédille (cedilla) – ç 4. l'accent circonflexe (circumflex) – â, ê, î, ô, û 5. l'accent tréma (trema) – ë, ï, ü Definition and Examples - 1. Accent Aigu [/]: The accent aigu (acute accent) ...

Vegetables Names in French

Carrot – Carotte Potato – Pomme de terre Tomato – Tomate Onion – Oignon Lettuce – Laitue Cucumber – Concombre Spinach – Épinard Pepper (Bell pepper) – Poivron Broccoli – Brocoli Cauliflower – Chou-fleur Cabbage – Chou Zucchini – Courgette Green beans – Haricots verts Peas – Petits pois Radish – Radis Pumpkin – Citrouille Eggplant – Aubergine Asparagus – Asperge Sweet corn – Maïs Leek – Poireau Artichoke – Artichaut Celery – Céleri Mushroom – Champignon Beetroot – Betterave Chard – Bette Parsnip – Panais Turnip – Navet Kale – Chou frisé Chili pepper – Piment Bok choy – Bok choy Fennel – Fenouil Crosne – Crosne Chayote – Chayote Shallot – Échalote Watercress – Cresson Chicory – Chicorée Kohlrabi – Chou-rave Sweet potato – Patate douce Butternut squash – Courge musquée Mung bean sprouts – Germes de haricot mungo

Fruits Names in French

Apple - Une Pomme Pear - Une Poire Orange - Une Orange Banana - Une Banane Kiwi - Un Kiwi Grapes - Du Raisin Strawberry- Une Fraise Raspberry - Une Framboise Blackberries - Des mûres  Blackcurrants - Des cassis Cherry - Une cerise Peach - Une pêche  Apricot - Un abricot Mango - Une Mangue Melon  - Un melon Watermelon- Une pastèque  Lemon - Un Citron Lime - Un citron vert Pineapple - ananas Blueberry - Myrtilles Pomegranate -  Grenade Papaya – papaya Avocado – Avocat Fig – Figue Cranberry – Canneberge Passion Fruit - Fruit de la passion  Grapefruit - Pamplemousse  carambola – carambole Guava – Goyave Dragon Fruit - Fruit du dragon  Cherimoya - Cherimoya Loquat - Néflier du Japon Persimmon – Kaki coconut - Noix de coco Kumquat - Kumquat  Litchi – Litchi quince - coing  Jackfruit - Fruit du jacquier Rambutan – Ramboutan Mangosteen - Mangoustan  ...


PRESENT YOURSELF IN FRENCH (PRÉSENTEZ-VOUS EN FRANÇAIS) 1. My name is Martin - Je m'appelle Martin. 2. I am 10 years old - J'ai dix ans. 3. I am an Indian - Je suis indien (ne). 4. I live in Raipur - J'habite à Raipur. 5. I am a student - Je suis étudiant (e). 6. I am vegetarian - Je suis végétarien. 7. I speak English and French - Je parle anglais et français 

French Numbers 1 to 100

French Numbers: 1 to 20 1 - un 2 - deux 3 - trois 4 - quatre 5 - cinq 6 - six 7 - sept 8 - huit 9 - neuf 10 - dix 11 - onze 12 - douze 13 - treize 14 - quatorze 15 - quinze 16 - seize 17 - dix-sept 18 - dix-huit 19 - dix-neuf 20 - vingt French Numbers: 21 to 30 21 - vingt et un 22 - vingt-deux 23 - vingt-trois 24 - vingt-quatre 25 - vingt-cinq 26 - vingt-six 27 - vingt-sept 28 - vingt-huit 29 - vingt-neuf 30 - trente French Numbers: 31 to 40 31 - trente et un 32 - trente-deux 33 - trente-trois 34 - trente-quatre 35 - trente-cinq 36 - trente-six 37 - trente-sept 38 - trente-huit 39 - trente-neuf 40 - quarante French Numbers: 41 to 50 41 - quarante et un 42 - quarante-deux 43 - quarante-trois 44 - quarante-quatre 45 - quarante-cinq 46 - quarante-six 47 - quarante-sept 48 - quarante-huit 49 - quarante-neuf 50 - cinquante French Numbers: 51 to 60 51 - cinquante et un 52 - cinquante-deux 53 - cinquante-trois 54 - cinquante-quatre 55 - cinquante-cinq 56 - cinquante-six 57 ...