Je: I Tu: You Il: He, it (masculine) Elle: She, it (feminine) On: One, we Nous: We Vous: You, you/y'all Ils: They (masculine) Elles: They (feminine)
Meaning of Accent Accent means a particular way of pronouncing words that relates to the country, area or social class a person comes from. An accent is a stress or emphasis on a particular part of something, usually a word. Accents are symbols placed over the vowels to change a word's meaning or pronunciation. It is very important that accents should be placed in proper positions because an incorrect or a slight miss in accent then can sound really weird. An important thing to know about pronouncing French words is that the French accent marks can completely change the pronunciation of a word. There are basically four accents for vowels and one accent for a consonant and they are as follows: 1. l'accent aigu (acute accent) – é 2. l'accent grave (grave accent) – à, è, ù 3. la cédille (cedilla) – ç 4. l'accent circonflexe (circumflex) – â, ê, î, ô, û 5. l'accent tréma (trema) – ë, ï, ü Definition and Examples - 1. Accent Aigu [/]: The accent aigu (acute accent) ...